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Aetas Wealth

Market Commentary November 2021

Market Commentary November 2021

Introduction October was the month which brought us Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s second Budget of the year. Normally that would make the headlines, but October was also a month when the world gave us plenty to worry about. With factors such as rising energy prices and supply chain issues impacting economies worldwide, the UK’s economic outlook …

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No Jab No Job

Will it be “No Jab, No Job”?

At the end of August the CEO of Australian airline Qantas said that the pandemic had cost “billions” in lost revenue. No shock there – but on the same day another airline did come out with a surprising announcement.  America’s third-largest airline, Delta, said that it would impose a $200 (£145) monthly surcharge on employees …

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Subscription Economy

The rise and rise of the subscription economy

You may use it for beer or bread, for razor blades, watching films or even for the simple act of reading books on Amazon. The subscription economy is something that has taken a hold on a large and growing portion of the population. It used to be said that Britain was a nation of shopkeepers. …

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Market Commentary October 2021

Market Commentary October 2021

You will no doubt be aware that September was a month when shortages dominated the headlines. As we will see below, it was by no means a problem confined to the UK: sadly it does not look like a problem that will quickly disappear. We have, for example, written previously about the shortage of semiconductor …

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North East

Is the North East the new London?

When Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak delivered his Budget speech in March much of the focus – inevitably – was on the economy’s recovery from the pandemic, and the cost of all the support measures.  But Sunak also announced a host of new initiatives including freeports and a new campus for the Treasury. One …

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Financial Market September 2021

Market Commentary September 2021

The defining image of August 2021 had little to do with the stock market on the surface, it was, of course, the withdrawal of British and American troops from Afghanistan. As some readers will know, Afghanistan has significant mineral reserves, which some estimates put at $1tn (£730bn). These reserves include lithium, so it will be …

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