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Aetas Wealth

Market Commentary June 2022

Market Commentary June 2022

Introduction The war in Ukraine, worries about food supplies, worries about the global economy… May was another month where all the themes we have become used to were to the fore. Despite this, it was a reasonable month for the stock markets we report on in the Bulletin. China led the way with a gain …

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Market Commentary May 2022

Market Commentary May 2022

Introduction April was not a good month for world stock markets. We report on a dozen major markets in the Bulletin: they were all down in the month, with the honorable exception of the UK’s FTSE-100 index, which managed a gain of just 29 points. Why was it such a poor month? The war in …

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The Subscription Scam

The Subscription Scam

The UK seems to be moving inexorably towards becoming a subscription economy. It is now estimated that 65-70% of UK households are signed up to one or more subscription services, with figures from Barclaycard suggesting that the subscription economy is worth £323m a year. Whether it’s Netflix or Spotify, coffee, razor blades or fresh fruit …

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Poor Lady

It’s Unfair! But how Unfair?

It is now a well-documented fact that the pandemic was good for billionaires. According to Oxfam’s annual report on global inequality – always released to coincide with the World Economic Forum in Davos – the pandemic saw a new billionaire created every day. The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their collective wealth between …

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